The Convert word to modern page converts word document(s) to an html representation which can be used for creating a modern page.
Supported File Type
Word documents- docx
Input Parameters
The Convert word to modern page action has the following parameters
- File Content – A Base-64 encoded string of the file being converted. Extracted from Get file content flow action using expression body(‘Get_file_content’)?[‘$content’]
- Site Url – Full site address of the site where the page will be created.
- Page Title – Title of the page being created.
- Author – The author of the page or article being published
- Folder Path– Optional, the full folder or library path of the location where the images extracted from the document will be stored.
- Banner Image Url – Optional, relative url of the image that that will be used for the page banner. Leave empty to use default.

Output Parameter
- Site Url– Site address of the location where the page was created
- HTML String– HTML string representation of the word document
- JSON Object– JSON object used for creating the page
- Instance Id– The instance Id of the text component
Example Flow
For details instructions on how to use the Xbridger Convert word to modern page, please refer to the following blog post.